Principal Investigator


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Prof. Phillip A. Taylor obtained his B.S.E and M.S.E in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, and his Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from the University of Delaware under the direction of Profs. Arthi Jayaraman and April M. Kloxin. During his time as a Postdoctoral Appointee at Sandia National Laboratories, he worked with Drs. Gary Grest and Mark Stevens. Prof. Taylor has received numerous awards for his research contributions including the UVA Rising Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowship, AIChE 8B Biomaterials First Place Graduate Student Talk award (2021), NIH Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Fellowship, and Robert L. Pigford Fellowship at the University of Delaware.


The Taylor Lab is always seeking driven and enthusiastic students and trainees. Prospective researchers should have a strong interest in computational research (simulations and/or machine learning), materials science, biomaterials, and/or polymer science. Please reach out to Prof. Taylor [] for available research positions and openings.